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Intended to aid cities, municipalities, and districts in enhancing their photovoltaic capacities, the Solar Cluster Baden-Württemberg, along with the KEA Climate Protection and Energy Agency Baden-Württemberg (KEA-BW), have revised the guidebook, "Photovoltaics in Municipalities – Making Practical Use of Solar Energy." This refreshed version imparts updated data on the legal aspects of photovoltaics, alongside numerous examples from southwestern regions of practical application. Municipalities will find concrete advice and information on how to effectively initiate and execute their individual photovoltaic projects.
The expansion of photovoltaic power within municipal areas is a vital cornerstone for successful energy transition. Forward strides can be seen across the region, with the year witnessing a continuous rise in construction within Baden-Württemberg. Come the start of December 2024, nearly 1,900 megawatts of newly erected solar facilities were in operation in the southwest region. With the "Photovoltaics in Municipalities" guide, the authors help districts, cities, and municipalities tap into the benefits of solar energy systems installed in town halls, fire stations, parking lots, kindergartens, and civic centers. Photovoltaics are even possible within historical preservation areas.
The authors of "Photovoltaics in Municipalities" suggest starting all initiatives by setting direct expansion goals. This should involve drafting a comprehensive plan for the entire municipality, including municipal properties and open spaces. Ideally, the municipality should already have a climate protection concept in place to build upon.
The guide illustrates how, through the expansion of solar energy on their properties, municipalities can reduce their electricity costs. Currently, domestically produced solar power is the most cost-effective energy source in Germany, with rooftop systems generating electricity at a cost of six to eleven cents per kilowatt-hour. By contrast, grid power costs municipalities around 25 cents per kilowatt-hour. By consuming a fraction of the solar power they produce, municipalities can significantly lighten their financial burden.
Moreover, municipalities can serve as role models. For instance, the State Climate Protection Act enshrines the exemplary role of public authorities. And it's a win-win situation: Clean, locally produced energy not only helps the climate but also enhances the municipality's reputation. Public acceptance for photovoltaic systems is already very high.
A further positive impact of local photovoltaic expansion is regional value creation. The guide describes how the planning, maintenance, operation, and upkeep of facilities can create and secure local jobs. For bigger installations, attractive business tax revenues for cities and municipalities can be an additional benefit.
The guide answers many additional questions that can arise when planning a solar power plant, such as what options are available if no capital is at hand. Can the system be rented? What would be the rent? How should open-area plant planning be approached? Practical examples, complemented by detailed calculations, can simplify the process for municipal planners and inspire their own projects.
The guide also encourages municipalities to network with local players and form partnerships and cooperations. The city of Heilbronn serves as a good example, with the city cooperating with the local energy cooperative EnerGeno Heilbronn-Franken. The cooperative has so far implemented forty photovoltaic systems within the city boundaries, twenty of which have been installed on city roofs. A win-win situation for all: the cooperative secured contracts while the city reduced its workload.
The guide also addresses the issue of local government support for residents in their private solar expansion efforts. Experience shows that when such support is offered, expansion tends to progress more rapidly. According to the photovoltaic network, it is worthwhile for municipalities to invest in regional energy agency consulting, in direct financial support of local solar initiatives and associations, and in specific financial backing of private photovoltaic systems. The latter can support lower-income households or achieve full use of rooftop space. Such support is also beneficial for companies.
As municipalities increase their solar power installations, the need for reliable energy storage solutions becomes even more critical to ensure that solar energy is efficiently stored and utilized. ACE Battery's residential photovoltaic energy storage systems provide an efficient solution for energy storage, ensuring a reliable, cost-effective, and sustainable energy future.
Our expert will reach you out if you have any questions!